The naturally round bird house

Beautiful, useful and durable. Comes fully assembled. Is immediately, easily hung up and maintained.

Samuel Gerber

The architect

The Lovenest was planned and made ready for series production by Samuel Gerber, Herzogenbuchsee, Switzerland. As a young architect, he developed and built thousands of type single-family houses for people. Among them the most successful Swiss type house “Penta”. At that time he was called the “secret star of architectural prêt-à-porter” (NZZ Folio, 5/04).

Samuel Gerber came to his new task, type houses for birds, only in old age and by chance: In spring 2016, he discovered a wagtail nest under his beach house awning on Lake Murten. The guests amused him. He became interested in birds and read up. In search of better and more beautiful nesting opportunities, he met ornithologist Paul Leupp in Kerzers. Together, the two developed a nesting concept on the large lake property. In accordance with the information sheets of the ornithological station Sempach and the ornithologist’s many years of experience, twelve different types of nesting boxes were placed on 5000 square meters. After that, about seventy young birds (various kinds of tits, wagtails, sparrows and starlings) flew out of their conventional nest boxes.

The architect realized what conventional birdhouses lack and what birds’ needs are.

Various attempts with hollowed tree trunks failed. On the one hand, because the bark fell off in a very short time or the wood cracked. On the other hand, because a hollowed-out trunk is naturally a feast for woodpeckers, as the ornithologist Leupp knows from 50 years of experience.

The basic architectural idea of the hollow tree trunk has remained, but Samuel Gerber has perfected the structural implementation for the intended use. Martin Schuck, the project manager for species promotion at BirdLife Switzerland, also helped him with this.

Article in «Terre&Nature»

The pioneers

All pioneers →

Das allereste Lovenest Prototyp A000 ist bei Eric und Helga Honegger im Arkadenhof in Gerersdorf, Burgenland, Österreich.

Die Lovenests A001 und B001 sind bei Paul Leupp, Ornithologe in Kerzers. Er war massgeblich an der Entwicklung des Lovenests beteiligt.

A002 und B002 sind zum Dank für seine Unterstützung bei Martin Schuck, Projektleiter Artenförderung, Schweizer Vogelschutz SVS, Zürich, Birdlife Schweiz

Lovenest A003 hat Paul Schär, Hector Egger Holzbau AG, Mitentwickler der Holzschale.

A004 ist bei der «Swiss Prime Site Anlagestiftung».

Lovenest B004 ist bei Gabrielle Gerber in Môtier am Murtensee.

A005 ist bei der Grafikerin Zippora Odermatt, schneiter & partner identitiy.

Lovenest B005 ist bei Christian und Elisabeth Gerber in Schönried.

Lovenest A006 bei Urs Eberhardt und Cat Ruytinx, Werber, Basel

A007 ist bei Andy Schneiter, schneiterpartner AG

A008 ist bei Giuseppe de Vecchi, Poschiavo

Lovenest A009 ist bei Peter und Christine Ruckstuhl in Langenthal.

Das Lovenest A010 ist mit herzlichem Dank beim Fotografen der Vogelbilder, Michael Gerber, Zürich,

Das Paket mit Lovenest Seriennumer A011 wurde an Prof. Reinhold Ganz nach Gümligen gesandt.